Tuesday 26 May 2009

Star Trek Inspired Technology

With the remake of Star Trek is out in theaters; The Guardian online looked into how much of the technology in Star Trek is used in real life. 
Today's equivalent of the Star Trek communicator is a flip-up mobile phone.
Star Trek technology: A text message on a mobile phone.
Kirk signs his daily captain's log on an electronic notepad like a PDA.Star Trek technology: Captain Kirk (William Shatner), signs a notepad in Star Trek

The bridge of the Starship Enterprise could only be seen on the view-screen. Today we have flat screen tv's
Star Trek technology: George Takei As Sulu on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise
Star Trek technology: Nichelle Nichols as Uhura in the original series of Star Trek
Uhura had an earpiece. Today we have bluetooth.

The weapon was a hand-held phaser. Today we have a Taser.
Star Trek technology: Captain Kirk (William Shatner) holds a phaser in Star Trek

Officers checked new environments with tricorders. Today, many HAZMA emergency response teams use chemical detection equipment.

Star Trek technology: A conference in Star Trek the original series Season 1

Video-conferences. Today we have it on a bigger scale.
Star Trek devices: The sliding doors in the Starship Enterprise

Motion detector doors. Today, we have automatic doors in many places.

Star Trek devices: Star Trek hypospray device is now comparable to the modern Jet Injector

Hypospray devices were used to pass medicine through skin without being painful. Today, we have Jet injectors.

Transporters do not exist yet but they might do in the next 300 years. Physicist Dr.Ping Koy Lam and student Warwick Bowen have looked at teleporting test equipment . They had a sucessful test using a laser beam of light disembodied in one location and rebuilt 1 meter away in a second.

Information and Images

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