Sunday 15 March 2009

planet google

Google is an amazing success story. Just over a decade old, started by a couple of 25 year old Stanford graduate students in their dorm room, today over 68% of all internet
searches are done through Google.

Google is a brilliantly run company, highly democratic, hugely profitable.

Employees commonly interact with its founders.

If only our banks and auto companies were run half as well, we would not be in the fix we are now.

It is a mantra of Google that ‘ more information is better information.’

And here is my big problem with Google.

The right of all of us the sacred right to privacy.

Yahoo recently handed over personal data of thousands to the Chinese government,

leading to hundreds of arrests.

How soon will Google, despite all their protests, do the same?

1 comment:

  1. I found this blog quite interesting and thought-provoking, however I would recommend to change the format as the spaces between each thought is distracting.
