Tuesday 2 June 2009

Microsoft will release body controlled Xbox games

Microsoft said that it will release technology that lets people play video games by moving their bodies instead of using hand-held controllers. The service is called "Project Natal" and will work with any of the Xbox 360 consoles."Before, there was a barrier separating video-game players from everyone else," said Don Mattrick, senior vice president for Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. "Now, with Natal, everyone can join in using the best controller ever invented: you."Natal does not use controllers,  it relies on a camera to capture players' movements in 3D space. The system also recognizes faces, which allows players to log into games automatically. It can also identify voices and take commands. The facial-recognition software will let video-game characters communicate with players by identifying the emotions on their faces. Microsoft is trying to make game a more social experience. The company announced partnerships with social-networking sites Facebook and Twitter which will allow Xbox LIVE players to post messages about their gaming experiences and send screen shots to their friends in real time. The company also announced many new games, most of them sequels like "Final Fantasy," "Modern Warfare" and "Halo" The company also announced their newest "The Beatles: Rock Band" which will  be available in September.

Information from: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/06/01/microsoft.natal/index.html

Monday 1 June 2009

Obama is going to appoint a Cyberspace chief

President Obama has made plans to guard important US computer networks and data from online attack. This is a strategy for dealing with 'weapons of mass disruption'
Obama called cyber-security "one of the most serious economica nd national securtity challenges we face' The new cyber-security chief  will oversee and coordinate internet defences across the government. The New York Times reported that the Pentagon plans to create a new military command for the internet, increasing preparations by the armed forces to conduct both offensive and defensive computer warfare. This would complement Obama's civilian structure in the White House."From now on our digital infrastructure will be treated as a strategic national asset," Obama said. "Protecting this infrastructure will be a national security priority. We will deter, prevent, detect and defend against attacks and recover quickly." Obama said. The network is presently wide open to cyber criminals and terrorists who can misrepresent themselves in a thousand different ways", he added. "Cyber offence is a thousand times easier than defence - thus breaches are most certainly occurring in all countries, virtually all the time. Nothing should surprise us."

Information from: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/may/29/obama-cybersecurity